Recent Events
In celebration of the Adventure Begins at Your Library Summer Reading Program, Chesley Memorial Library and Barnstead’s Oscar Foss Memorial Library teamed up to host a renaissance faire at the T.L. Storer Campground on July 27. The first annual Shirefest featured food and craft vendors, live music, an archery range, and much more! Young patrons who stopped by our tent were offered a series of quests through which they could live their fantasy adventure as they explored the faire, completing tasks and earning prizes, all to be made a member of the royal court! Among those quests: creating a clay gnome at our booth, and partaking in a giant game of DnD-themed Jenga with our cast of fantasy characters! From face painting to ax throwing, Shirefest offered something for all patrons to get excited about - and we’re looking to expand next year, with more entertainment, vendors, educational displays, activities, contests, and adventures on the horizon! Thank you to all the staff, volunteers, vendors and entertainers, and of course our patrons, for making the first ever Shirefest a historic success!
Lobster Story Time
Chesley Memorial Library hosted a special summer Story Time for grades K-3 to learn all about lobsters on July 17! The program featured special guest marine docents from the University of New Hampshire, who read a story about catching lobsters and showed the audience first-hand how lobsters are caught and banded by fishermen! After the story, children rotated through several games and displays to delve deeper into the lives of lobsters. Young patrons learned how to identify male and female lobsters, what shapes, sizes, and colors lobsters can be, and how lobsters see, taste, smell, and move in the ocean using their environmental adaptations! Using a real lobster cage and life-sized model lobsters, children were taught the anatomy of a lobster trap and encouraged to try their hand at emptying the trap and measuring and banding the lobsters. At the end of the program, patrons were captivated by another surprise guest: two real, live lobsters! Audience members were encouraged to get up close to look at and even touch the banded lobsters, and "Gerald" and "Mary", as our young patrons dubbed them, were about the nicest lobsters the library has ever met! Participants went home with a boatload of information about the survival and preservation of lobsters, and some neat marine stickers too! A massive thank-you to our knowledgeable marine docents for taking the time to teach us about these cool crustaceans!
Flying High Dogs
Back by popular demand, the Friends of the Northwood Libraries and the Northwood Recreation Department hosted Mike Piazza and his Flying High Dogs on June 21 at Northwood Athletic Field! World record holder Mike Piazza astounded audiences of all ages as his three athletic border collies, Oreo, Chaos, and Mojo, ran, leapt, and bounded after frisbees. After a display of the collies’ prowess, Mike invited our young patrons to face off with their parents, competing to see the dogs catch the best throw. The family-oriented and interactive show was matched with Mike’s educational trivia about dog breeds and K9 Frisbee, and patrons had fun playing along. We also had the chance to meet the border collies during the performance, and the dogs graciously accepted the pets and praise in return for the spectacle they put on for us. Thank you to Mike and his team of very talented pups for an evening of high-flying canine entertainment!
Susie Spikol's Bug Safari
Back by popular demand, Harris Center for Conservation Education's naturalist and author Susie Spikol returned to the Chesley Memorial Library on June 4, this time to lead us on a Bug Safari! First, young patrons learned about what makes an insect an insect, taking turns pointing out features an insect may have and using these suggestions to create a bug of their own design! Once we determined what defines an insect, and which bugs aren't insects and why, patrons were invited to take a close-up look at a collection of preserved specimens using magnifying glasses, and record their observations in nature journals. Afterward, Susie took us on an expedition outside of the library in search of bugs who make their home in Northwood! Our young explorers, armed with butterfly nets, ventured through the grass, catching caterpillars, ants, and even a snail! The bugs were safely deposited in Susie's "bug hotel", which kept them safely contained for observation until it was time for them to be set free. Patrons went home with a nature journal and a new (or renewed!) fascination and appreciation for some of the littlest creatures we share an environment with!
The Chesley Memorial Library is able to offer this program through a recurring grant from the Robert C. Grano Charitable Fund to commemorate the generosity of Joseph Grano in donating the funds to build the Theodora Kalem Grano Memorial Wing in 1991. “Joseph Grano Children’s Initiative” programs promote exploration of the natural world, music, art, diverse cultures, adventure travel, and craftsmanship.
Our Annual Cupcake War
On April 29, patrons of all ages were invited to frost and decorate cupcakes at the library, and submit one to compete in our Annual Cupcake War. We had 15 fantastic entries in this year's competition, ranging from cupcakes celebrating the beginning of summer to a dramatic recreation of Godzilla! Our patrons then voted for their favorite cupcake in our display during library hours through Monday, May 6. There's no doubt that picking just one favorite couldn't have been an easy decision, but one design took the cake: Congratulations to entry #5, Maebel!
Left: Some of our young patrons hard at work on their frosting masterpieces! To learn more about the Annual Cupcake War, and see more pictures of this and previous year's entries, check out our Cupcake War page! |
Artificial Intelligence with James Patrick Kelly
Is a robot uprising in our future? Should we be concerned that machines might one day make human employment obselete? What is ChatGPT anyway?These questions were among the many answered by Nottingham local and profound science fiction author James Patrick Kelly, who joined us to give a live demonstration of artificial intelligence at the Chesley Memorial Library on Monday, April 8. Mr. Kelly explained the science behind AI-the minds that built its software, how it learns, how it produces results, and more-as well as its potential uses in the future, and the dangers that may come with it. Afterwards, patrons had the chance to ask the AI program ChatGPT their own questions, which it answered using its text-to-speech feature, in an impressive, and often times comical, manner. From asking it to list the highlights of Northwood in the style of an over-enthused real estate agent to asking it to create a sonnet with Shakespearean influence, Mr. Kelly showed us what ChatGPT is capable of. Patrons were awed by the capabilties of machine learning, and many downloaded the ChatGPT app afterwards, wanting to try it for themselves! Thank you, Mr. Kelly, for taking the time to show our patrons a glimpse of what the future holds for technology!
Won't You Be My Neighbor Day
On March 20, we celebrated Fred Rogers' birthday, dubbed "Won't You Be My Neighbor Day" by the Hopeful Neighborhood Project. In honor of Mister Roger's legacy of spreading joy to neighbors near and far, we encourage all our patrons to partake in a small act of kindness for their community, like brightening up the sidewalk with chalk drawings!
Left: Our technologist Katherine's chalk drawing on the Chesley Memorial Library's front walk, depicting the iconic red trolley in Mister Rogers' Neighborhood, to wish everyone a happy Won't You Be My Neighbor Day! |
Celebrating National Craft Month
Did you know that March is National Craft Month? Children of all ages and their families were invited to join us at the library on Tuesday, March 19, to get their craft on! With a vast array of crafting supplies available, our young patrons let their imaginations run wild on their creations, and popcorn was provided for any hungry crafters!
Blacksmithing and Locksmithing with Thomas Boucher
Thomas Boucher of Greasy Luck Forge joined us to talk about the craft of blacksmithing and locksmithing on Saturday, March 16. Children and their families learned basic information about both trades as Mr. Boucher lead us on a journey through centuries of blacksmithing history, culminating in the story of his own career and experiences therein. Mr. Boucher featured examples of his work which patrons were encouraged to pass around and take a closer look at as he discussed the elements of the craft, from the training he and many other traditional blacksmiths underwent, to the tools that have been used in locksmithing as the trade has evolved. At the end of his presentation, patrons were invited to ask Mr. Boucher questions about blacksmithing and locksmithing, and went home with a thorough understanding of a blacksmith and their work (plus some very cool "Greasy Luck Forge" stickers)! Thank you to Mr. Boucher and the Boucher family for taking the time to come out and educate our patrons on such a fascinating career!
The Chesley Memorial Library was able to offer this program through a recurring grant from the Robert C. Grano Charitable Fund commemorating the generosity of Joseph Grano in donating the funds to build the Theodora Kalem Grano Memorial Wing in 1991. “Joseph Grano Children’s Initiative” programs promote exploration of the natural world, music, art, diverse cultures, adventure travel, and craftsmanship.
Open House
Chesley Memorial Library patrons new and old were invited to come find out what the library offers to the community during an Open House on March 9 sponsered by the Friends of the Northwood Libraries. Patrons met Library Friends, Staff, and Trustees, and enjoyed freshly-popped popcorn and live music by the Lion Sisters while they browsed our collections and learned about our programs and services. We hope those of you who made it to our Open House discovered some cool features of the library, and we hope to see you (and many more) for our next one!
Candidates Night
In preparation for the upcoming town election, Northwood residents were invited to attend a discussion with candidates for school and town positions on Thursday, March 7, at Northwood Town Hall. Locals got to know candidates in a question-and-answer session moderated by Bob Young, in which candidates had the opportunity to share why they wanted to represent the community. This event was sponsored by the Friends of the Northwood Libraries.
The Cat in the Hat at the Library!
The Cat in the Hat and Thing One made a special visit to the Chesley Memorial Library on Saturday, March 2, to celebrate Read Across America Day. Children enjoyed listening to stories about the Cat and getting their picture taken with our special guests!
Vacation Week Program: Chocolate Fountain
Our chocolate-loving patrons of all ages joined us on Thursday, February 29 to partake in dipping a variety of different treats in our chocolate fountain! Patrons were invited to bring their own sweet and salty treats to share and dip, or indulge in our buffet of pretzels, cookies, marshmallows, and more!
Vacation Week Program: Sock Hop
Chesley Memorial hosted a fun-filled sock hop on Wednesday, February 28 to celebrate February vacation! Children were invited to wear their favorite and funkiest socks and dance to some upbeat music on our Color Burst Play Tiles, interactive mats filled with bright gel liquid colors that respond to movement and pressure with every step, skip, jump, or hop!
Our First Ever Annual Cookie Swap
On Tuesday, December 19, patrons brought a dozen of their favorite homemade Christmas cookies, along with the recipe, and a story to our first-ever cookie swap at the Chesley Memorial Library! Whether they used their grandmother's recipe, or made a batch of the special cookies they bake with their family every Christmas, everyone's cookie had a story. Bringing cookies that have a personal connection made for great conversation and a more meaningful swap. We look forward to hosting another, even sweeter cookie swap next holiday season!
Gingerbread Decorating
On Tuesday, December 12, the Chesley Memorial Library hosted a gingerbread cookie decorating experience! Children were provided with homemade gingerbread people (courtesy of our talented library assistant Diane) and a variety of sweet toppings to decorate with. Kids let their imaginations run wild, and went home with a delicious holiday treat!
Center for Wildlife's Owl Ambassadors
Chesley Memorial Library hosted Center for Wildlife’s owl ambassadors on Wednesday, November 8, at 4:00 p.m. Our audience of over 100 attendees were awed by a live demonstration featuring Lucy the screech owl and Fern the barred owl, and were fascinated by our guest speaker Taylor's knowledge on the variety of New England species, their habitats, diets, calls, and tips on how to spot them in the wild. Taylor shared with our captivated audience Lucy and Fern's personal histories, and explained the important role owls play in our environment, current challenges species face, and how the audience can help. Audience members were also able to interact with a display of preserved animal remains, including wings, owl pellets, and skeletons.
The Chesley Memorial Library was able to offer this program through a recurring grant from the Robert C. Grano Charitable Fund commemorating the generosity of Joseph Grano in donating the funds to build the Theodora Kalem Grano Memorial Wing in 1991. “Joseph Grano Children’s Initiative” programs promote exploration of the natural world, music, art, diverse cultures, adventure travel, and craftsmanship.
Big Read
The Chesley Memorial Library, in partnership with New Hampshire Humanities (NHH), recently partook in the statewide NEA Big Read of The Bear by Andrew Krivak. An initiative of the NEA and Arts Midwest, a Big Read broadens our understanding of our world, our communities, and ourselves through the power of a shared reading experience. In partnership with the Center for the Book at the NH State Library, NH State Council for the Arts, NH Department of Corrections-Family Connections Center, 50 local libraries and community organizations, scholars, The McAuliffe Shepard Discovery Center, and Gibson’s Bookstore in Concord, NHH’s Big Read brought more than 5,000 Granite Staters together to discuss the selected book, "The Bear" , by NH author Andrew Krivak. Our local book discussion was held here at the Chesley Memorial Library on Wednesday, November 1, at 7:00 p.m. The book discussion was co-sponsored by the Friends of the Northwood Libraries, who providing refreshments. NEA Big Read is a program of the National Endowment for the Arts in partnership with Arts Midwest.
Punkin Junkin'
Our second annual Punkin Junkin' (Pumpkin Junking) was held on Thursday, October 26. Our young artists decorated pumpkins with craft supplies and recyclables, and here are some of their masterpieces!
A massive thank-you to Tim Jandebeur for donating the pumpkins, and to Fireside Popcorn Co. for the generous donation of delicious sweet-and-salty popcorn for participants!
Forensic Genealogy with Kip Riel
Chesley Memorial Library hosted guest speaker Kip Riel, forensic genealogist, on October 18, 2023. Kip explained the science behind DNA testing, the ethics of allowing a cooperation access to your genetic history, and his experiences in assisting with homicide cases, followed by a question and answer session with the audience. His candid, insider perspective on DNA programs such as 23&Me made the audience reconsider who can access their personal information, and his stories about crime scene investigations were as thrilling as they were informative. Thank you, Kip, for sharing your stories with us!
Wilderness Survival
As part of the Big Read program, the Chesley Memorial Library co-sponsored a wilderness survival program with the Northwood Recreation Department on September 16, 2023. Retired Navy Master Sergeant, survivalist, and search and rescue expert Dennis Haug talked about how to prepare for wilderness emergencies and demonstrated how to spark a fire. NEA Big Read is a program of the National Endowment for the Arts in partnership with Arts Midwest.
Teddy Bear Sleepover
Thank you for attending our Teddy Bear Sleepover! We all had such a fun night, but we were glad to see you again the next day. We'll see you at the next sleepover!
Lindsay and Her Puppet Pals
Over 100 people attended the “Lindsay and Her Puppet Pals” performance at the Northwood Athletic Field as part of Northwood’s 250th Celebration on July 29, 2023. Lindsay believes that sharing joy and laughter strengthens communities and we hope that you enjoy these photos. A big thank you to the Northwood Recreation Department for co-sponsoring this program with the Chesley Memorial Library.