What's in the Library?Mature Books and Entertainment Media
Adult fiction, large print, mystery, science fiction, biographies, spiritual fiction, non-fiction books, DVDs, and audiobooks are located in the back room on the main level of the library. The reference books are behind the circulation desk and against the wall by the main entrance.. Fiction materials are arranged alphabetically by the author’s last name. Nonfiction materials are arranged by Dewey Decimal System. Children’s Books and Entertainment Media Children’s books are located in the Youth Room of the library, which is in the basement level of the building. Juvenile fiction is located on the right side, juvenile nonfiction is on the left, and picture books are in the center area of the room. Juvenile fiction books are identified with a JF code, juvenile nonfiction has a J code with the Dewey Decimal System, and picture books are with an E code. In addition, beginner and chapter books are separately labeled with a B or C code, respectively. Juvenile audiobooks and youth DVDs are located in the back room on the main level of the library. Young Adult Books/Teen Room Young adult books are located in the Teen Room, which is adjacent to the Youth Room. Young adult books are identified with a YA code. The Teen Room has a small table available to the public for use and the room is occasionally used for library events as well. However, the room is never closed off to the public unless otherwise advertised for safety reasons. Young adult audiobooks are located in the back room on the main level of the library. Periodicals Adult and youth magazines are located to the left in the back room of the main level. All issues are available for check out and the library retains back issues of the previous year as well. Reference Books & Materials Our reference collections are only available for in-house use. These include: Northwood history materials, encyclopedias, atlases, and more. They are located in the main room of the library. Public Computers Several computers are available for use by the public. |