Facts garnered from official Northwood Town Reports
1894 - The town has 8 hogs. The town has 336 cows. The library collected $98.00 in fines.
1895 - The town has 66 oxen. The Library has 258 books.
1896 - The town has 379 horses. The town gives $50 for the Memorial Day Celebrations. The cost to repair the school houses in Northwood is $150. The town has 9 schools. The town librarian made $7.92 for the year.
In 1897 - The cost of tuition is $8.75 for 3 students to Coe’s Northwood Academy. The library had 409 books
1898 - Did you know that in 1898, Northwood had two mules and six one-room schoolhouses, with a total enrollment in the Northwood Schools of: Spring: 240 Fall: 226 Winter: 201
In 1902 - Supplies that were furnished during the fever quarantine cost $125.19. Tuition for 3 students to Northwood Seminary is $371.65 The Dog Constable made $8.50 a year. The Library had 1038 books.
1904 - The town received the results of the 1900 nation-wide census.
1907 - Northwood has 1 mule and 10 oxen. The teacher bonus for 1907 was $6.00
1908 - Money made from registering automobiles and vehicles was $775.00 The town had $241.83 cash on hand. Dog licenses brought in $146.20. The Mountain School was recommended to be closed by the state. The school year is now only 31 weeks.
The town has three libraries: 1. The Knowlton Library located in the Ridge District, averaged 23 books loaned per week. 2. The Centre Library averaged 21 books loaned per week. 3. The Narrows Library averaged 25 books loaned per week.
1910 - Northwood has three hogs. The Memorial Day Celebrations bring in $50 from the town. The Highway Department has $3,000 to work with. The rate of taxation in Northwood is $2.44 on $100.
1911 - The list of abatements given to soldiers and widows is $429.61. Northwood had six schools with a total of seven teachers. The total teacher salary is $18.94. Tuition to high school is: Coe’s Northwood Academy $1000.00 Austin Cate Academy $80.00 The library has 2073 books.
1912 - The town now has two police officers. The town owns three portable mills valued at $2400. The town has boats and launches worth $550. The cost to teach music at the 7 Northwood Schools is $200 a year. The removal of brown moth nests from trees on highway and private property is $595.71. The truant officer made $2.00 a year.
1925 - Repairs on the town hall cost $500.00. Street lighting is $750.00. Pool table licenses are $20.00. The town sent $22.8 to town of Nottingham Fire Department for fighting a fire. Bounties on hedgehogs are $1.00 apiece. Under the town poor the town tramps were given $1.40. Dog licenses: 92 male dogs $184.00 33 female dogs $165.00 1 puppy 9 months old $1.50 1 kennel license $12.00 = $362.50 127 dog licenses issued @ $.20 = $25.40 Monies received from the trust funds is $8,102.00 The cemeteries now have a trust fund = to $510.47. From the auditor: The town clerk should be provided with proper book for recording records of dog licenses in town. Census of students attending Northwood Schools was completed. Born in Northwood: 42% Born elsewhere in US: 53% Born outside US: 5% The Northwood School Year is 172 days. Northwood, Nottingham and Epping employed a school nurse. Three-Quarters of nurse pay is paid by the state. The school houses at the Ridge/Narrows still have out houses. No privacy.
1926 - Street lighting for the town cost $288.02. Revenue from the poll tax is $1055. The auto taxes collected are $1710.15. Northwood has 178 horses and 9374 fowl. The tax rate in Northwood is $3.55 per $100. Total assets for the town of Northwood are $8150.63. The town has property worth $13,828.00. The bounties on hedgehogs is $.20 a piece. The amount for the town poor is $893.54. Northwood paid the Pittsfield School District $40.00 for Northwood students to attend Pittsfield Schools. Harvey Lake Women’s Club donated a new drop curtain for the stage at Coe’s Academy. Northwood students have an average of three tardies per student. Coe’s Academy has the next to poorest tardiness record in the state. Fifteen students entered Coe’s Academy. The cost of tuition at Coe’s is far less than the cost would be of maintaining a public high school. Academy tuition is $3510, books and supplies is $264.10. Balance on hand at the library is $12.36. The library has 4,046 books.
1927 - Roxanne E. Richardson is the Town Clerk. Cash in hand of the town treasure is $607.37. State aid on snow removal is $87.50. Damage to town property by dogs ID $16.75. Street lighting for the year is $915.67. The up keep of the town cemeteries is $494.50. Amount to build the Ridge Post Office is $460. Trust funds held by the town of Northwood equal $10,809.03. The Harvey Lake Women’s Club has continued its splendid record of achievement in the past by encouraging worthy lines of educational endeavor and by supporting projects for the betterment and uplifting of the community. Transportation and cost of fuel should be kept as reasonable as possible. Northwood pupils in attendance at Coe’s Academy is large. Coe’s Academy tuition is $4,400. Janitor salaries at the 7 Northwood Schools are $486.00. The truant officer makes $8.21 a school year. The medical inspections that the school nurse made cost $271.70. Monies received from library fines is $2.00
1928 - Revenue for the town equals $31,581.19. Money from court fines is $550.00 Postage for dog licenses is $2.04. Cost for the municipal judge is $100.00. The town poor received $1075.23. Money for patriotic purposes ID now $100.00. Liberty Bond ‘s held by trustees for the Lancaster Fund $100.00. Electra Cotton trust fund income to be used for poor children $233.65. Coe’s Academy showed an increase on registration and percentage of attendance and almost an elimination of tardiness. “School support costs, but ignorance costs more.” Teacher salaries $5,220. Transportation of pupils to school $1,260. Academy tuition is $4,500 per student. The libraries have 4,282 volumes.
1929 - The town moderator is Oscar F. Cox. Northwood has a Prohibition Enforcement Officer named Edward M. Gates. The superintendent of schools is Chester Doe. The recreation department has spent $86.83. The town has a total of 25 gas pumps and one gas tank worth $3,750. The cost to print the town report is $292. The cost to print the town ballots is $12. The care and supplies for the town hall cost $277.87. The highway department has a tractor. It needs maintenance. The labor and parts cost $477.57. The town has $1,615.86 in trust funds in which each account has it own account book. The amount of $10,856.41 the trustee’s of the trust fund hold the note. Indoor chemical toilets were installed together with facilities for washing at the Narrows and Ridge Schools. Northwood now has six schools.
1940 - Cost of instruction per student at CBNA is $132.15.
Scholarship Day/Battle of the Brains CBNA placed 2nd in Current Events and 3rd in Chemistry
1941 The library has 7,233 volumes.
1942 Northwood has four police officers.
The cost to print the ballots is $4.50.
Soldier’s aid is $12.82.
County tax is $3994.77.
Dog Licenses No. Sex Amount 83 Males $166.00 15 Females $75.00 5 Puppies $6.00
1 Kennel License $12.00 TOTAL $259.00
Uncollected tax levy of 1942 is $121.14.
Increase of 10% of elementary education.
1943 Northwood has 3 highway agents. Fur bearing animals-minks 190 worth $1500. Soldiers exemptions are $19,075.00
1944 Moderator and Representative to the General Court is Robert A. Johnson. The town is holding two United States Savings Bonds; Series F; in the amount of $1480. Pupil registration is ten percent over last year not including four pupils from Nottingham in grade 8 at the Ridge School. Northwood has 42 students at CBNA. Teacher salaries are $3,526.78. Fuel for the schools is $504.27. Northwood libraries have 9,038 volumes.
1945 Justice of the Municipal Court is Samuel Johnson. Fur bearing animals in the town of Northwood are worth $2,250.
1946 The Northwood libraries have 9,408 volumes. The Town of Northwood Health Officer is Dr. Alfred D. Mihachik.
1947 Northwood Fire Chief is Donald A. MacCallum. The town is holding three United States Savings Bonds; Two Serial F worth $1534.00; One Serial G worth $474.
The town is also holding one United States Treasury Bond; it is due in 1954; and worth $1000. The uncut coupon is $60.00.
Northwood is back to five schools. Name of School Grades No. students Brookside Primary 1-4 32 Brookside Grammar 5-8 25 Ridge Primary 1-3 22 Ridge Intermediate 4-5 27 Ridge Grammar 6-8 26 Total 132
CBNA opened with a population of 83 pupils of which 56 were local residents. The libraries have a total of 9,549 volumes.
1948 Tax Collector’s sale of real estate is $992.96.
1949 Tuition paid to CBNA by the town of Northwood is $10,620.
1950 The libraries in town have 9,856 volumes.
1951 & 1952 NO books.
1953 The town Representative to the General Court is Ernest Pinkham.
Northwood has 190 fur bearing animals.
The town made $660.12 from the tax collector’s sale.
The town of Northwood gave $411.68 to the New Hampshire Cancer Commission.
It cost $14,536.15 to build the Chesley Memorial Library.
The library has 12187 volumes.
Tuition to Crotch Mountain School is $53.00 for one student in elementary school.
1954 Librarian Name Jessie Adams Alice Bartlett Gladys Gardner Location Ridge East End Librarian/Custodian Salary $30.00 $23.06 $28.85
The town librarians, location and amount made. Money spent on the hot lunch program at all elementary schools for the year $285.33.
1955 - Helen Sherman is the Tax Collector. Robert Johnson is the Town of Northwood Moderator. Alfred D. Mihachik is the Town of Northwood Health Officer. The town gave $536.00 to the Desjardin Rockingham County Home. The town paid legal expenses to George R. Scammon in the amount of $200.00. Northwood has 49 students in high school. 45 students go to CBNA. Grade Number of Students 9th 15 10th 10 11th 9 12th 11
1970 Northwood has formed “The Town of Northwood Bicentennial Committee."
The Town Bicentennial is in 1973. Northwood will be 200 years old.
The bicentennial will be held August 3, 4, and 5th, 1973.
The truant office for the Northwood School District is Walter Jackson.
The following high schools have Northwood students attending: School Name 9th 10th 11th 12th Total Tuition Rate CBNA 21 15 20 14 70 $753 Dover High 1 0 1 1 3 $850 Oyster River 0 6 0 3 9 $950 Pittsfield High 1 2 4 1 8 $700 Austin Cate 0 1 1 0 2 $753
Money received from the Sweepstakes is $1882.45. Money made from the hot lunch and milk program is $1,603.75.
1971 School Superintendent is Charles Morgan. The value of scheduled town property is $226,950.00 Dog and Kennel licenses equal $535.20 Uncollected poll tax is $316. Tax Collector’s sale of real estate $8304.78
The following amount was collected from the following departments: Tax Collector $192,425.66