What Is Your Library Worth To You?
The Chesley Memorial Library offers a variety of entertainment and educational materials to Northwood taxpayers at a very economical rate.The average taxpayer contributes about $33.00 in taxes per year to fund the library. How much would you pay out-of-pocket if you purchased your books, movies and other library services in stores? Use our calculator to find out!
- Enter in the left hand column the number of times per month you and your family use each service.
- The estimated retail value of each service will be calculated on the right.
- The total value of your library use is shown at the bottom of the worksheet.
- Tip: Tab between entries and do not use commas.
The Chesley Memorial Library's Library Use Calculator is based on the spreadsheet developed by the Massachusetts Library Association and adapted for web use by the Maine State Library and the Chelmsford Public Library.